ဒီေကာင္းေလးကေတာ့3DText,3D Design,3D effects,image, video, gif animation,အစရွိေသာ 3D
ပိုင္ဆိုင္ရာ ေတြကို ေကာင္းဆံုးျဖစ္ေအာင္ေရးဆဲြေပးနိုင္တဲ့Aurora 3D Text & Logo Makeဆိုတယ္
softwareေလးပါဗ်ာ။ဒီေကာင္းေလးကေတာ့ မိမိ အေတြအေခၚရွိသေလာက္ ေရးဆြဲေပးနုိင္တယ္ဗ်ာ။
ျဖစ္ရန္ Maker3D ဆိုတယ္ဖိုင္းကို Runေပးလုိက္ပါ။ေနာက္ျပီးnote
ေလးကိုဖြင့္ျပီးေတာ့ name ႏွင့္ LicenseKeysေလးကိုထည့္ေပးလုိက္ပါ
ဒါဆိုရင္Full ျဖစ္သြားျပီး။အားလံုးအဆင္ေျပပါေစဗ်ာ။
Aurora 3D Text
& Logo Maker (Aurora3DMaker on Mac App ) will allow even the
technically inexperienced to quickly and effortlessly compose and
arrange strikingly beautiful and impressive 3D Graphics, high quality
text and logos. Do you have pressing needs to finish your design project
quickly and easily? Then don’t look any further!
the hundreds of templates built in within Aurora3D Software, you’ll be
able to take advantage of a myriad of eye-catching effects like
reflections and deformation textures. Or if you prefer, you could import
your own images and modify and adapt them to meet your unique design
needs! Create 3D text effect and logo animation in minutes for the
website and your movies! You don’t even need to be proficient over the
layout or 3D Design basics!
Create 3D text effects and 3D logo animations in minutes for the web and your movies!
1. One click to add 3D object(200+ templates)
2. 3000+ Symbols and import SVG
3. 50+ Professional Project templates
4. 60+ Additional TrueType fonts
5. 80+ Object Style
6. One click apply animated effects(10+)
7. Export to PNG, JPG, Tiff, BMP, GIF, TGA etc.
8. Export Animation to Movie, SWF(Windows),
GIF animation or Image Sequence as you like.
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